Whats Going On With Fine Arts ?

Deartis Mason, Reporter

Like many other groups or sports at Sahuaro there has been a major set back with COVID-19 being here, which is very unfortunate for many students who love their extra curricular activities. Alexys Kamper, a member of the Drama club and a senior at Sahuaro High School, said that its very “challenging for us because we have to be able to talk to each other and act out certain rolls to class and around this time we would usually be practicing in person.” However with our situation and not being able to see each other and talk to each other in person, it’s a little difficult.

How they are practicing now is through zoom calls with the class and if they need to go into breakout rooms with people that are going to be playing the skit with them they can so they can practice or go over it. After they are done, Mrs. Strong will have them come back into the classroom so they can act it out to the class and she makes sure to have everybody else muted.

This pandemic has really taken a toll on the Fine Arts department, they had to cancel many things due to COVID-19. They even had to not go through with putting on a show because they could not perform in person. That is not the only thing that got taken away from them – they also could not put together any fundraisers or anything to help benefit them and all of their Troop events got canceled. In the light of all that SAFT, which is a competition that they all look forward doing, is still happening for them. Alexys said, “Even though SAFT is online, it makes us think more positively about theater.”