Go To School or Play a Sport: Choose

Gianni Martinez, Associate Editor-in-Chief

With the new hybrid schdule coming into play on November 6th, being an athlete during a global pandemic has become very challenging. In a statement released on Friday, Oct. 23 by TUSD, Superintendent Gabriel Trujillo announced the district developed a plan that will allow its high schools to begin full-contact sports practices beginning Monday, Oct. 26. This is great, however, for those considering going back to school, the hybrid schedule is no longer an option.

Due to the exposure one goes through when leaving campus after class, you’re no longer allowed to re-enter the campus for practice, thus resulting in full-time online schooling for athletes. Winter sports like basketball, soccer, and wrestling will hold full contact practices on campus and to participate in this, students and coaches must adhere to the district’s adopted COVID 19 preventative measures as recommended by the Pima County Health Department, as well as take COVID 19 tests frequently throughout the season.  This includes filling out the COVID Daily Screening as per usual.

What an unfortunate start to our senior year, however, after talking to a few seniors who participate in winter sports, like Alvaro Bustamante-who plays basketball here at Sahuaro, he says, “I know I’ll have to be strickly online but that doesn’t really afftect me, if anything it’s easier.” He goes on to say how, “I can manage my time better without the hassle of driving to school and only being there for a few hours.”

As for the girls basketball player, Alyssa Brown, who says that she “didn’t plan on going back to school, making my schedule the same, but I’m excited because it will give me more time to complete my work in the morning instead of staying up late.” Which we all know is quite tiring, especially being a senior. Lastly, Megan Rasey, a senior here at Sahuaro who plays soccer says, “Personally I’ve deciced to stay home this semester because I really think I’ve found my groove with online learning, although it’s not the same as seeing my friends and being in school.” Soccer is a contact sport and Megan has chosen to stay home for the “safety of my teammates and fellow classmates.”