Make Your Choice: Hybrid or Remote Learning

Parents Must Choose by November 1

photo from

Deartis Mason, Reporter

On October 6, the TUSD governing board approved the updated Hybrid Learning plan. Tucson Unified School District has recently released an email stating that if you wanted your child to physically go into school, you will have to sign on to ParentVue and vote yes or no. The date for students to come back to school is still pending, but they encourage you to vote right away. When voting, they give you two options: either the modified in person/ Hybrid learning model or the full-time remote learning model. If you choose the Hybrid model, then your child would come into to school for four days out of the week in the mornings only, its also mandatory that you wear masks/ face coverings and safety protocols are mandatory.

The students that will be going into school will only be going into school during the mornings and in the afternoons they will go home with structured assignments and work on them. On Wednesdays all students will participate in teacher-led classes remotely from home.

It’s very important for all families to go onto ParentVue by Sunday, November 1 2020 and vote which model you want for your children and there are certain instructions that you will have to follow that will be listed below.

1 Log onto ParentVue

2 Review and accept or decline Hybrid Ackowledgement waiver

3 in the upper right hand corner choose Online Registration

4 select 2020-2021 Remote or Hybrid Learning from the drop down

5 click through the pages until you reach the child information page

6 on your child’s information page click edit

7 the next page will be Instructional Choice, please use the drop down to make your choice (Remote or Hybrid), Click to end and submit your regristration and shortly after that you will recieve an email stating that you made an update.