The MACnificent Mackinsey

Gianni Martinez, Associate Editor-and-Cheif

As we approach the end of the first semester online, it’s become harder to enjoy the fun activities we participate in every year at Sahuaro High School. For example the well-known spirit assemblies, and fundraisers, as well as those precious FNL’s, and lastly senior gear! By gear I mean the cool T-shirts and hats, maybe even throwing in some masks to match our current situation. These are the trinkets we as seniors take with us when we leave. Lettermen jackets and SHS patches were cute and stylish back in the day, however as we evolve, so does our fashion. This year our Student Body Parliamentarian, Mackinsey Ratzlaff, or better known as “The Mac Attack”, has come up with some exciting new designs for our senior class gear.

The day that mini Mac picked up her first marker was the day her drawing kick-started. In our interview she mentions how, “There’s still wonderful toddler doodles on the walls of my house.” Ever since then she’s been known not only for her fun spirit and great attitude, but her amazing art skills. Her style of drawing has obviously changed from cute toddler doodles to what she calls,”greenery and floral type pictures,” which makes sense considering her favorite color is green.

She goes on to say how being quarantined has, “Changed my technique and style, since I’ve had a lot of time to experiment with different things. I typically paint more but sometimes I sketch it out first.” And painting, is the least to say, one of her main hobbies; she also enjoys practicing on her mental and physical health. However her favorite would have to be, “Working out and coming up with new ideas for my store (The Mac Shackk).” That’s right she has her own jewelry store! Go check it out on Instagram @TheMackShackk.

As talented as she is, Mac Attack also participates in Student Council as our very own Student Body Parliamentarian who is coming up with super fun designs for our Sahuaro gear. After close examination and carefully deciding whether Student Council should include sweat pants, hats, or face masks, Mac has drawn up some pretty amazing art for this year. Being a part of Student Council has really brought out the creative juices Mac has to create these designs. She goes on to say that “most of my creativity is being used in stuco,” but she’s always “going with the flow.”  As for her plans with Student Council Mac, the “designated artist” is, as she stated, “currently working on some sketches for our senior shirts, super excited for those!”

I hope my fellow Cougars are as excited for these plans as Mac and I are, even if we can’t sing our way through High School as Troy Bolton did in High School Musical, or experience the rush of watching rivals go head-to-head in the championship game, we can always stay positive that everything will be okay. On a better note, once these senior shirts are made and hopefully some super comfy sweatpants, at least we’ll look good while stuck behind a screen all day virtually learning how to graph in Excel!

Mackinsey’s Master Piece #1
Mackinsey’s Master Piece #2

And as for those sneak peeks, here ya go…