Welcome Back Sahuaro Volleyball!

Photo from Cesia Salazar

Lia Ghirardi, Reporter

Sports while virtual learning? Yes! Welcome back Sahuaro volleyball.
Are you interested in playing this season? Here’s what you should know.

One of the junior varsity B team captains from last season, Cesia Salazar, came to the table with some helpful tips and info for new incoming players or if you just simply want to tryout.

Although it is unknown to when the season will start, conditioning and tryouts will still happen. Volleyball is in phase 1 which means there can and will be conditioning without equipment.
Conditioning starts September 8th at Sahuaro from 3:30 to 4:30. You must have all your paperwork in. This includes your sports physical, ATS, and online screening.

Multiple phases are put in place for the safety of everyone.
Sports will slowly go back to normal as time goes on but it needs to happen in a safe manner.

So when will tryouts be? Tryout dates will be determined based on how safe our Cougars are being and if they get word from the district that they are able to move forward.

If you are interested in participating in conditioning Cesia says to “…have your mask on the ENTIRE time and have your OWN water bottle.” Come safe, ready, and prepared.
Junior varsity B team co-captain from last season, Ava Lopez, gave some great advice and encouraging words to students who want to try volleyball, but haven’t before. “Coaches look for skill sure, but they also look for a good attitude and positivity.”

Christopher Wharam is a physical education teacher here at Sahuaro and will also be coaching this year! Due to COVID circumstances, his coaching plans will have to look a bit different for this season. “My plans are simple. I wanted the girls to be able to have a season while keeping them as safe as humanly possible…we are practicing social distancing, and we are cleaning everything we use throughout our workouts.” If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach Coach Wharam by email @[email protected]

We are so so excited to see sports start back up again. Go Cougars!