Confederate Statue Collapsed By Hurricane Laura

Melinda Deslatte / AP

105-year old statue once stood tall infront of Louisiana’s courthouse.

Paula Le, Reporter

Protesters of the Black Lives Matter movement have wanted the removal of the “Southern Defenders,” an image of prejudice, located in Lake Charles, La. However, local officials in Louisiana voted in favor to keep the Confederate landmark in Lake Charles in its place. Regardless of this, a twist of fate occurred.  Hurricane Laura took a toll over the south of the U.S., including the confederate sculpture.

Hurricane Laura is recorded to be the most grounded hurricane that has struck the United States. At a wind of 150 mph and ordered as a category 4 hurricane (which means misfortune will occur), Hurricane Laura, in addition to many storms, has created devastation among individuals of Texas, Louisiana, and many more. The majority of people were able to evacuate in time, leaving only destroyed property behind and very few recorded losses.

Image from Entergy

Individuals who have voted in favor of preserving the monument believed it is a symbol of history. The monument of a Confederate soldier, and different images of Confederacy and indication of slavery, have struck an enormous amount of controversy around the United States. Since the Black Lives Matter movement, protests have called for the relocation of landmarks devoted to Confederates to historical centers. This 105-year old statue was casted a ballot to stay in front of the Louisiana courthouse about two weeks prior to Hurricane Laura. As to this, nature appears to have other plans. On August 27 of 2020, the Confederate statue of a soldier was brought down.

Numerous local people and spectators have found humor through this occurrence, saying Laura twisted the soldier’s legs or it’s “A message from God.” Individuals have likewise thought it was ironic how this old landmark was wanted to be kept in Lake Charles, yet Hurricane Laura decided to do an “uno reverse card”. Statements have not yet been released about the future of this “ancient” monument. Texas and Louisiana are currently working promptly to restore what’s been demolished from the consequence of Laura.