Review of 2020 Republican National Convention

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Amanda Mourelatos, Editor in Chief

The 2020 Republican National Convention began on August 24th and went through the 27th. Amidst the ruthless pandemic destroying jobs and lives, the raging hurricane in the Gulf Coast area, and justice being wanted for yet another Black man shot by police, President Donald J. Trump planned to give his most forward speech about the re-election. Both he and Vice President Mike Pence accepted their renomination for the 2020 presidential election.

Trump to attack Biden as 'extreme' in RNC speech
Image from NBC News

In the final speech of the convention, which lasted over an hour, Trump stated, “At no time before have voters faced a clearer choice between two parties, two visions, two philosophies, or two agendas.” He also planned to approach the topic of America’s future from an optimistic standpoint. “This towering American spirit has prevailed over every challenge, and lifted us to the summit of human endeavor,” he said in his acceptance speech.

As expected, he did dig into former Vice President Joe Biden about the economy and history. He stated, “We have spent the last four years reversing the damage Joe Biden inflicted over the last 47 years.” Accomplishments he touted are: VA accountability and choice, the first Middle East peace deal in 25 years, keeping USA out of a new war and bringing home troops, new trade deals with China, Canada, and Mexico, and record unemployment – pre COVID.

Despite being on the opposing side, Trump says, “The Republican Party goes forward united, determined, and ready to welcome millions of Democrats, independents, and anyone who believes in the greatness of America and the righteous heart of the American people.”

Along with Trump spoke Vice President Mike Pence, First Lady Melania Trump, Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo, Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron, middle child Eric Trump, daughter Tiffany and Ivanka Trump, and more.