A Check-In with The Girls Who Code Club

Emma Walrath, Editor in Chief

Last year introduced the first year of the nationally-known club, Girls Who Code, and their first meeting of the year was on December 13th.

Last year they focused on introducing the new students into code through an easy to use block language.  More advanced students were practicing with the coding language Python. Those more advanced members went on to communicate with AI and create a program where you can play cards against yourself.

They also created robots and wrote code to allow them to do a dance that they made up.

This year they are expanding their horizons with their first male member of the Girls Who Code Club, Jacob Wood, Junior, as treasurer. They wanted to make it very clear that everyone was welcome, regardless of gender identity; however, they just focus more on gearing the club towards women. This is especially important to them because women in computer programming get paid more than men because there are so few women in the industry.

When talking about their other plans for this year, President Alex Thwaits, Senior, said, “This year we are doing more interactive projects, joining with U of A. Projects that are more focused on everyday, usable things such as databases and indexes.”The club also plans on going to the UofA on multiple field trips and also goes to the women in stem panel to talk about advancements made in their field, especially with women.

The year to come will definitely include some fun advancements for the Girls Who Code Club. So feel free to go to the informational meeting or any other meeting in the future, just talk to Mr. Christian in room 403.