Thanksgiving Foods – the Best and Worst

the spruce eats

Gabriella Jamerson, foreign correspondent

The average American will consume a hefty 3,000 calories on Thanksgiving — for dinner alone. Drinks, dessert, and appetizers can bring the total calorie count to 4,500, according to the Calorie Control Council, an industry group.  So, being selective is important for that waistline! Focus on your favorites – here are some of mine!

food network

Lets start off with the best of the best!

  1. Collard Greens- I cannot stress how tasty they are, always hitting all the right spots. Steamy soft greens boiled in chicken broth and bacon bits woooweee.
  2. Mashed Potatoes-  You can never go wrong with some creamy mashed potatoes drenched in that sweet gravy sauce period.
  3. Baked Mac n Cheese- Man, mac and cheese is already good as is, but that baked mac and cheese is everything and more.
  4. Rolls- Those sweet buttery buns!! Warm and soft squishy on the inside ,the only Thanksgiving bread I accept.
  5. Vegetables (corn, green beans)- When you’re eating all those carbs you need a little veggie here and there, even if they’re smothered in butter.
king arthur flour

Worst Thanksgiving food I better not see at the table!!

  1. Turkey/Ham- YUCK! C’mon does anyone even like these mega dry meats??? I sure hope not.
  2. Yams- EW! Sweet potatoes are not it , that mushy orange mess yeah, its a no from me.
  3. Pie (any and every pie)- Pumpkin pie, pecan pie, cherry pie no thanks them boys NASTY!
  4. Cornbread- The flavor is okay but that dry texture ruins the whole dish, making it absolutely icky.
  5. Cranberry sauce- Does anybody even eat that stuff? What is its purpose? Do you eat it by itself or on something?