More Than Memories

Gianni Martinez, Sports Editor

Volleyball season has sadly come to an end, however, there are some special highlights caught during the season that just need to be shared. For instance, on the night of October 25th, 2019, all the seniors came together to celebrate the amazing season they got to share together as a team. Since the beginning of try-outs their freshmen year all the way to the last game of their senior year Kasey Purry, Marissa Verdugo, Janessa Schlecht, Haylie Pense, Keila Salazar, Ashley Schlegel, and Haley Valdez have all been a part of something more than just memories, but a representation of true friendship and teamwork, and of course getting to have fun playing volleyball.

Fortunately, I was able to attend senior night after my game and the uplifting energy was amazing.  However, I did become very sad, only because I knew these intelligent and gifted young ladies are going to go off into the future and be successful in life. Yes, I cried when the announcer started to introduce these girls with their family members walking them on the court to receive a gift from their teammates. Watching how far these talented girls have come really made the whole night just a beautiful experience.

Saying good-bye is the hardest part, but I know these young ladies are going to do great things in the future and that’s what makes me happy all over again. Finally, on behalf of the school newspaper, we’d like to say: CONGRATULATIONS!! We can’t wait to see what the future has in store for these girls.