The Twins Who Win

Max Becker, Sports Editor

Brendan and Devan Gary excel in the face of adversity, both on the basketball court and in life.

The twin brothers began playing organized basketball in fourth grade. Aside from their love and passion for the game, they see it as a way to stay in shape, make friends, and plan to take full advantage of the opportunities that have been given to them. They aspire to play on the collegiate level, and are hopeful for scholarships. They enjoy each others company, as Devan says it “makes schoolwork easier, we have twin powers.” Outside of school, they enjoy hanging out with friends and playing video games. Brendan plans to try out for varsity boys volleyball this year.

Recently, the brothers got the opportunity to showcase their talent against Sabino in the annual Coaches vs. Cancer showcase. However, to them, it was more than just a game. This special event began last January, when unfortunately Brendan and Devan’s mother, Cathy, passed away from cancer. This game was extremely meaningful to them, and they were grateful for the opportunity to play and give back to the community. What felt even better was getting the win against rival school Sabino while remembering and celebrating their mother. The Gary brothers would like to thank the school, the student section, their coaches,  their friends, and of course, their family for all the support.