Ms. Gantt Bears her Love (of Bears)

Jessica Luna, Associate Editor in Chief

Nine out of ten times, someone at school mentions the name Ms. Gantt and the first word that will come to mind is “bears”.

Ms. Gantt has been working at Sahuaro for about 33 years but just recently started her bear addiction about 3 years ago. It all began one day when she was watching a news program and they started talking about; she checked it out and got hooked.

402 and cubs

What’s better than seeing the bears on live cam? How about going down to Katmai Nation Park & Preserve, Alaska where the bears are actually filmed. Ms. Gantt has made a couple of trips down to Brooks Camp to observe  her beloved bears; she went for a week in September of 2014, a whole month in July of 2015, and plans to go again in September of 2016. There she does volunteer work and runs the cameras that the live film on the website shows.

Along with running cameras for the brown bears, she also runs cameras for sharks on Saturday and Sunday mornings, a seal cam, and a polar bear cam.

Brooks Falls Bears

There are strict rules for being around the bears and some scary experiences, but that doesn’t hold her back from doing it and staying in lovely Alaska.