Student Monitors At Sahuaro

Winta Tekle, Sahuaro News Editor

Sahuaro is bringing a new design to our hallways: student hall monitors! It’s an exciting and fresh idea, but will it work? “Absolutely,” says Mr. Mack, founder of the new initiative.

How would this work? Teachers were asked to recommend students they thought would be ideal hall monitors, and in due time, were given bright yellow badges. “The students chosen are examples of how students should hold themselves,” Mr. Mack explains. This is a way of extending peer-to-peer respect. “We want to have this idea implemented so the next class of Sahuaro students have a reputation to spread, for the best interest and well being of current and future Sahuaro.” In light of our new conference schedule plan, the idea of allowing students to become hall monitors is innovative. This is a way of extending peer-to-peer respect.

When would this happen? It’s everyday, and at any point of the day, teachers are allowed to let the designated student hall monitors out of classes whenever they have downtime. Whether it be the first 15 minutes or last 5 minutes, it’s up to the teachers to allow this space for student hall monitors. “They should be able to do that,” Mr. Mack emphasizes. Teachers and security can’t possibly be everywhere, and can’t possibly monitor the halls at all times; therefore, shifting that responsibility to students will maintain a safe environment.

Calvin Mueller, a senior asked to be a student monitor, gives his input on the new idea. “It sounds like a great idea, but I’m worried about kids perceiving us differently,” and it’s a valid concern. Mr. Mack touches on this, saying that while it can be perceived as “kids watching every move,” it’s far from it. The end-goal is to hope that the presence of student monitors will alone be a deterrent to any misbehaving student. If a student monitor encounters a belligerent student, they take no action but report it to an adult.

Mr. Mack is also the founder of the initiative to reach and aid freshmen, using upperclassmen as guides stationed in hallways.  That was a complete success, and there’s a lot of overlap with that and the new idea of student monitors. It sounds good in theory, and hopefully even better when executed!