Adam Shingler is Back!?

Gianni Martinez, Sports Editor

We all know Adam Shingler as the AP World History teacher who had us reading 10 chapters a night, as well as the Student Council leader who organized unforgettable pep rallies. He even coached our girls volleyball team and led us to victory time and time again. Keeping his future in mind, Shingler decided to accept a position to teach at Tanque Verde High School where the possibilities are endless.

Just when we all thought it was his last day, he shows up and surprises us all. Yes, that’s right ladies and gentlemen, Adam Shingler is still here! But wait, he isn’t here full time as a teacher on this campus?? No, in fact he continues to coach the girls volleyball team. As a result, Student Council was left without their beloved Shingler and the AP World students no longer have him as their mentor.

So I began to ask questions like: Why did you want to continue coaching for Sahuaro High School? Fortunately, I had the opportunity to interview Coach Shingler before our game against the Palo Verde Titans, asking him that same question. His response was, “I continue to coach here because there’s a very small place in my heart for Sahuaro volleyball.” Additionally, Shingler believes that we have an amazing group of hardworking athletes in our program.

This I understand, but what about Student Council and the AP students? Does he even miss the wonderful staff and faculty here? Well according to Shingler, he stated, “I really miss the aspects of teaching here and of course the students and coworkers at Sahuaro.” As for Student Council he really misses it and says, “I miss working together with a group of bright future leaders.” He hopes the best for them and knows they can bring pep to any school rally!

Since he now teaches at Tanque Verde High School, I asked him a series of questions related to working there and comparing the two schools. Yes, these questions are loaded, however I needed to get all the information behind it and I know you are all dying to find out. I began with: Do you like that school more? He responded with, “I really like Tanque Verde and working here, but I do miss Sahuaro staff and coworkers, I like both schools equally.” What do you like about working at Tanque Verde? He answered with “I like the community and the low class numbers, I also love the location.”

This was all fun and games until we got to the most important question, Do you still consider yourself a Sahuaro Cougar? His response was, “Absolutely!” Why wouldn’t he?! He went to school here, he taught here, and he continues to coach our varsity volleyball team. As always, I had more loaded questions for Mr. Shingler, however it was to time to end our wonderful interview and these are his kind words from your favorite teacher, Adam Shingler: “Keep working hard and make Sahuaro proud!”