Mr. Shingler’s Leaving, What??!!

Jamie Beck, Fine Arts/ Slideshow Editor

What doesn’t Adam Shingler do?  If you do not know who Mr. Shingler is, he’s certainly left his mark. Shingler, who is a 2011 SHS grad, is currently a History teacher at Sahuaro, but only for another week or so.  On top of being a teacher, he was also the coach for volleyball and the Student Council sponsor for the 2018-2019 school year. However, Shingler is leaving us for Tanque Verde High School for a better teaching opportunity – actually he will not be teaching history anymore, but will be teaching English, Freshman Success and Health, but hopes to teach history again in the future.

“He taught me to power through the hard times and to persevere,” said one of the players on his volleyball team, junior Haylie Pense. Autumn Fatovich, senior, states, “He is a great teacher and coach.  I am glad that he was at Sahuaro when I was here.  He always had my back and believed in me.  You will be missed!”

Mr. Shingler is a graduate from Sahuaro High School and enjoyed working with former teachers who he now calls his colleagues and friends like Ms. Depugh, Mr. Hislope, Ms. Watters, Mr Marrs, and Ms. Becky. One of the reasons that made Mr. Shingler want to start teaching was he wanted to help kids become the better versions of themselves. He explained the hardest part of being a teacher is, “Balancing the responsibilities while at the same time having a good life outside of work.” Alyssa Brown one of his APUSH students/volleyball players said, ” Mr. Shingler taught me about character and helped me develop skills for not only volleyball but basketball as well.”  He got involved with Student Council because he wanted to help the school become a better version of themselves by helping students achieve their desires for the school and what it can become.

Mr. Shingler’s leaves with fond memories of Cougar life.  His best experience at Sahuaro was interacting with all of the students day in and day out, both inside and outside the classroom. His most embarrassing experiences were mispronouncing words while teaching, performing in the assembly to have a dance-off with other teachers, and tripping on the stairs in front of students.

AP History class

But his favorite part about teaching is helping students become better by seeing the development of them both academically and personality wise. Mr. Shingler plans on staying at Tanque Verde but wouldn’t be opposed to coming back to teach. The things he will miss most about working at Sahuaro are the down-to- earth students, fantastic colleagues, Student Council, and the Sahuaro tradition he grew up knowing. Mr. Shingler is very excited to start new opportunities and face different challenges, but is very sad to leave Sahuaro.