Senior Q&A with Racham Berger

Racham at the 2019 Senior Prom (third in from the left)

Alyssa Urff, Sahuaro News Editor

From basketball to swimming, Racham has left his mark on the Sahuaro catwalk. Before he leaves Sahuaro, he had some words of advice and wisdom after the long four years.

Q:Name one of your favorite faculty at Sahuaro

“Mr. Kruszewski because he made me a good swimmer and badminton player.”

Q:What’s your motto in life?

“Treat other people how you want to be treated.”

Q: Where would you go anywhere in the world and why? 

“I’d go to Australia to see all the kangaroos.”

Q:Give your freshman self-advice in ten words or less.

“Work a little harder, it will pay off.”

Q: If you ditched class but had to stay on campus, where would you go? 

“The gym to lift weights.”

Q:What do you feel has been your legacy left here at Sahuaro?”

“Nonchalant, off the map vagabond.”

Q: What’s the worst/most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you at Sahuaro? 

“Nothing is more embarrassing because I don’t care what people think.”

Q: What’d one superpower you’ve always wanted to have?


Q: If you could create one mandatory course for future seniors, what would it be? 

“How to become successful.”

Q:If you could change one school rule, what would it be? 

“Allowed to order Uber Eats, Doordash, etc…”

Q: What was one of your biggest fears going into high school?

“The bigger kids punking on me.”

Q: Would you rather meet Kanye or Donald Trump?

“Eh..Kanye, his music is aight.”

Q: Where would you most likely take a nap in school? 

“The nurses office.”

Q: You’re a new addition to the crayon box, what color would you be and why? 

“The navy blue/yellow because NAU.”