Top Three Scholars of Sahuaro Compete for Valedictorian

Nathalia Valdez, Social Media & Communication

Coming into High School everyone has a different dream. Some want to dress cute every day and some want to make a lot of new friends. It is rare to find someone who aspires to be the best scholar, but it’s not unheard of. This 2018 – 2019 school year 3 competitive students have been so close to Valedictorian, the decision hasn’t even been made yet!

The three candidates Halley Hughes, Braydon Robinson, and Alyssa Botkin all have one thing in common, love for competition. “It was just fun and something I enjoyed doing,” said Braydon Robinson. Halley agrees, “I enjoy learning, and being a top scholar is just a perk.” “I like making my family proud, and I’m a little competitive, so that makes me want to do my very best!” says Alyssa cheerfully.

Braydon Robinson next to his amazing sarsef project

When asked what the hardest class was, every candidate had a different answer. For Braydon it was English. “I’m not super good at English so it was a bit hard.” However, for Halley, the hardest class was AP Calculus. “Math just doesn’t suit my brain,” she laughs. On the other hand, Alyssa feels like she’s more of a “math and science person” and personally believes she’s bad at English. They prove that they are all normal teenagers, but what makes them different from everyone is that even when they know they’re not very good at something, they work their hardest to do the best they can.

Alyssa Botkin hard at work on her senior project.

Just because you’re a top scholar doesn’t mean you don’t get stressed. In fact, being a top scholar probably stresses you more! Thankfully these bright students were willing to share their coping mechanisms with us.  “You should always take things one step at a time,” says Braydon. “Meditation, my dog, and a lot of tea!” laughs Halley. “Great friends that have the same classes as me, and when any of us is in need, we help each other out!” says Alyssa.

After high school Halley and Alyssa plan on attending the U of A; however, Braydon has other plans. “I’m going on a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints. I don’t know where I’m going, but I should get the call soon,” he says. After that, he is hoping to attend BYU in Idaho and study mechanical engineering.

Braydon thinks the key to success is working hard. Alyssa says, “You should never settle, be the best you can be!” “Know your teachers, respect them, understand how you learn, and you will be successful,” says Halley.


** Important PSA –

“I would like you to know that I really only work hard to beat my brother! Haha!”  – Alyssa Botkin *