Sahuaro’s Very Own Stunt Rider

Alyssa Urff, Sahuaro News Editor

You’ve probably seen his electric blue Honda Grom in the student parking lot but if you haven’t, it belongs to one of Sahuaro’s stunt riders, sophomore Collin Hathaway.

Collin has been riding for 5 years. He was hesitant at first as his stunt riding is a first generation thing in his family. He says his dad has motorcycles but stunt riding is new. After all this time he jokes, “I think I’m now better on one wheel than two.”

Collin has had three bikes, a CR-125, CR-f50, and his favorite, a Honda Grom. Even though he’s only owned three, he says, “I probably have ridden anywhere from 80-90 bikes.” He knows how to do stunts like stoppies and wheelies.

Collin on his Honda Grom

Practicing his stunts requires a safe place since he can’t be on public roads performing them. He often practices out in the desert and tries to make it to different stunt events when they’re in town. Besides riding, he also has other hobbies like playing the guitar and working on projects whether it’s working on his bike, truck, or something.

He shared that one of the best things about riding has to be “when you’re mid-wheelie and you can fist bump your buddy next to you and just enjoy the moment, it’s awesome.” He’s out with his friends a lot when he practices, being a part of the “grom squad” is something he never takes for granted.

For anyone thinking about riding he says, “Stick within your bounds and don’t get too crazy.” He’s had his fair share of injuries like a recent broken collarbone, broken foot, broken wrist, dislocated wrist, broken pinkie, and “lots and lots of road rash”. His injuries never discourage him though and he’s always thinking about the next time he can get on his bike.