Sahuaro’s Registrar: Patty Gallegos’s Recieves Letter of Appreciation

Azalia Munoz, Senior Spotlight Editor

On April 17th, 2019, Patty Gallegos, registrar here at Sahuaro High School, was awarded with a letter of appreciation by Petty Officer Marquez of the United States Navy. He gave Patty a letter of appreciation for all that she has done for him over the year and her cooperation. He comments how other schools in the district make it hard to receive transcripts/information, but Patty always is efficient + quick to submit the information.

Without the help from Patty, PO Marquez states that, “Many students couldn’t have joined the Navy as quickly as they did without her cooperation. It’s amazing that she is able to have such a major impact on the lives of the students.” Patty comments,  “I do it for the kids,”  when she was awarded with the letter. She even placed the framed letter in the place of the Army one, joking that they’re going to be upset.