Avengers Endgame – *Spoilers at the End*

Caleb Pendleton, Op-Ed Editor

Avengers Endgame came out on April 26th and it was one of the greatest movies of this year, and possibly all time. Besides Marvel making more money in one weekend than any other movie in history, they had fans more excited and engaged than ever. The movie had multiple shocking endings and left the crowd very emotional.

Not only did Marvel make so much money over this one weekend, they even broke all the records you can think of money wise. They made about 1.3 billion dollars worldwide on their opening weekend alone, on top of $350 mill made domestically. In terms of money, Endgame broke the record of making $1 billion in the fastest amount of time; that only took them 5 days. Avengers Endgame is the 6th biggest Marvel movie as of right now, but that number will surely rise to the top. Another record they could break is to hit the $2 billion mark. They would be a part of the $2 billion club, up with Avatar, Titanic, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and Infinity War. They would then have 2 movies in that $2 billion club and that will be a new record.

Fans are so worried about spoilers that a man in Hong Kong was reported to be beaten up and hospitalized after spoiling the movie in the parking lot in front of the theater. People can just joyfully ruin things for others. Let’s hope that man is in good condition, but has also learned a lesson. Speaking of this situation, the whole time I was sitting in the theater, I was nervous someone would do the same thing. Thank goodness that nobody did and we all got to enjoy our movie.

The movie was 3 hours long, but surprisingly it did not feel that long. The movie theater was sold out and this was one of my first opening-weekend movies, and the first movie where there were rules set for us. The manager had to inform us that you would be kicked out for having your phone out. This could be for many reasons, mainly for not being able to record the movie on your phone. I can’t say my favorite part was the people clapping obnoxiously behind me, but you could tell everyone wanted to do that throughout the movie.


Throughout the movie, my favorite part would have to be the humor that was involved. Thor being fat and the Hulk in his hulk form was pretty funny. He had this face the whole movie where it seemed like he needed to smile. When Captain America picked up Thor’s hammer and showed the crowd that he was worthy, this surprised everyone. But most importantly and most surprisingly, is when Iron Man died. I didn’t cry like everyone else but it was a little emotional to think how far we have all come with him.