Sahuaro Shows Appreciation on Administration Day

Gloria Soto-Wilson, in the counseling office.

Samantha Crowson, Cougar Tales and Feature Editor

Everyone deserves recognition, especially when they put a lot of time and effort into what they do. Teachers get this for a whole week, and so do our sports teams, but what about the wonderful ladies who work in the admin office? Nearly 4 million secretaries/administrative assistants are part of the U.S. workforce and have been receiving recognition since 1973, when Hallmark began creating cards. This year, it was on Wednesday, April 24th.

Lori Emrich (in our finance office), Yolanda Machado (in our nurse’s office), Pam Diebold, Lynne Casetta, Patty Gallegos (in attendance and registration) Sarah Genung (in our activities office), Gloria Soto-Wilson (in our counseling office), and  Paula Saldutti (in the principal’s office), are all of our very hardworking administration professionals.

Our school admin office is constantly busy and overflowing with students, teachers and nonstop phone calls. It’s no wonder that the fine women who run our office have their own day to just be noticed for how hard they work for us. “I think mornings are definitely the hardest because students are always coming in late.  When they do come in, they have to sign in and Lynne or Pam have to enter each student into the computer and the reason for them being late,” said Jamie Beck, an office aid for Lynne and Pam.

But even under extreme stress, “They always make you feel welcomed…they always put a smile on peoples faces…” said Hailey Coryell, aid for Gloria in the counseling offices. “They honestly deserve plenty of recognition.”

All of them received a small party with snacks and some balloons with personalized messages,  “Just wanted to say thank you to all for the lunch and signed banner. It feels good to be appreciated but also know you are all beautiful and easy people to work for and with so it makes my job here easier. (Yes even the students are great) So again thank you, it was wonderful and yummy!!”  thanked Yolanda in an email to the whole staff.