Art and Drama Classes Offered at Sahuaro

Gabby Goldentyer, Reporter

ART:  There are three different types of art classes at Sahuaro. Beginning and intermediate art is taught by Ms. Gay. Advanced is taught by Mr. Long.

Beginning Art consists of mostly 2D art like painting, watercolors, and drawing. Intermediate Art introduces more techniques and expands on the material taught in Beginning Art. “My favorite project was the Genius Hour project. I painted the world map onto a canvas. I enjoy art class because we can be creative in our own way. I also enjoy my teacher, Ms. Gay, because she lets us be creative with our drawings,” says senior, Stephanie Martinez.  As each level gets reached, students are allowed more freedom to design their art independently.  In Mr. Long’s Advanced Art class, students are left to create anything they want. It is mostly a self-directed class where students can put what they have learned to use. They still do projects like book-making and story-making. This project was a favorite for student Bernadette Canez. The project was to write a six word story and then illustrate the story. “I enjoy being in art because I’ve had a passion for it for a long time and it’s great that I get to do it in school.”

DRAMA:  Drama is widely enjoyed by many students. Beginning Drama teaches students the basics of acting. Students start out by learning stage directions and how to build a character. Intermediate Drama gets into more of what happens behind the scenes. Students learn how to apply makeup and they learn the tech parts of the show. Advanced Drama takes everything that is learned in beginning and intermediate and puts it to use. Students get to build sets, do tech, and get the costumes ready for the shows. There are also several opportunities to perform in advanced. The next drama show is called “Waiting in the Wings” which is being performed January 12-15. “My favorite thing about being in Drama is being apart of a group where you can totally and effortlessly be yourself and be welcomed for it. If I could give advice to someone who wants to join Drama I would say to eat and sleep as much as possible before rehearsal,” says Joey Valdez. Annika Maher says, “My favorite thing about being in drama is the people.  My advice to someone who wants to join would be to not be afraid to be yourself.” Joey and Anikka, who are both seniors, will be directing the next show for the Thespian Club called “The Internet is a Distrac-Oh Look a Kitten.” This show is scheduled for January 21st.