…And Then The First Image of a Black Hole Was Captured

Alyssa Urff, Sahuaro News Editor

Telescopes across the world, known as The Event Horizon Telescope project, have zoomed in on a super massive black hole in the galaxy M87.

The black hole, a region of space having a gravitational field so intense that no matter or radiation can escape, opened a new realm for space and technology as this gave experts a new look on black holes. It was the first real evidence of the theory of relativity by Albert Einstein. It’s the first time that scientists have visually seen it, it’s not just a reading of temperature or light. Black holes started being studied in 1916 in Germany and now roughly over a century later, the first image is revealed.

The photo has also had a societal impact as female scientists like 29-year-old  Dr. Katie Bouman, have been credited with completing and creating a large part of the algorithms that went into capturing the picture.

The image came from a collection of telescopes around the world, zooming into the galaxy and capturing images thousands of miles away. The project was launched by the University of Arizona and used three telescopes from Arizona.

The telescopes are expected to collect more images of black holes in different galaxies. Scientists have already found a super massive black hole 10,000 times bigger than our sun. The Event Horizon Telescope is only the beginning of black hole imagery.