‘Tis the Allergy Season ! Here’s How to Get Around It

'Tis the Allergy Season ! Here's How to Get Around It

Alyssa Urff, Sahuaro News Editor

If you haven’t noticed, spring is upon us and that only means one thing – seasonal allergies. The tissue companies are making bank, Zyrtec and Claritin are flying off store shelves, and you probably think you’re the only one suffering from the spring perk – but don’t be worried! Here are some tips to getting around and fighting the annoying allergy-consumed life.

  1. Line the inside of your nose with coconut oil, vaseline, or petroleum jelly. This helps with multiple things. If you find that you’re sneezing a lot, the lining will act as a barrier to outside allergens and prevent you from completely breathing it in. It also helps keep the skin moisturized so that your nose doesn’t crack or get dry.

    Source: Google Images
  2. Eat local honey. If you use honey in your food daily or use it for tea during the allergy season, eating local honey may be beneficial because the bees use local pollen to pollinate the honey. Make sure to get the local honey from places that seem established as some sellers don’t actually use 100% local ingredients.
  3. Leave your windows and doors closed. Ah yes, the weather is getting warmer and nothing feels better than a nice drive with the windows down or letting some fresh air into your room/house, but- there’s a catch. The warm air isn’t the only thing getting in, all the allergens and pollen like to travel with you too.

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  4. Wash your clothes and wipe off your shoes. If you leave your dirty laundry in a hamper in your room, allergens on your clothes could be cycled through the air. If you can’t leave your shoes outside or wash them, try to wipe them off before leaving them in your house.
  5. One word- steam. Filling a bowl with hot water, using a humidifier, or taking a hot shower/bath can help break up some of the mucus in your system and provide congestive relief. Experts recommend showering at night rather than the morning.  This way you don’t carry the allergens into bed with you.
  6. Wash your furry friends! If you have a dog or cat that comes indoors, make sure they’ve recently had a bath as they can also track in pollen and allergens. If you can’t wash them as often, wiping them down with a baby wipe is also helpful.
  7. Purchase an air purifier/filter. This doesn’t mean you have to go and buy a $200 filter, but try to find something affordable that will get the job done. It can help get rid of all the bad stuff in the air and also recycle air flow.
  8. Chore time! Yes, having a “cleaner” house does help. Dust more often, vacuum your floors, and wash your bedding (mainly pillow cases). This will help maintain an allergy-free environment.

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  9. Salt Water Rinse. If you find your throat hurting, hot water and salt can help alleviate your symptoms. Salt-water can also be used as a nasal rinse along with saline spray.
  10. Know You’re Not Alone. If you’ve ever sat in class and thought to yourself “Oh no…Mr/Ms. So-and-so is going to get mad since this is my fifth time up to the tissue box!”, don’t be alarmed. When the pollen count is high, chances are you are not the only one watery-eyed, sneezing, and coughing. Just don’t disturb the class or make any scenes. Always keep some sanitary stuff with you like hand sanitizer or a small packet of tissues.