Two Cougars Tear Up the State Science Fair

Rachel Porter (left) and Vy Nguyen (right) standing In front of their science project at AzSEF

Alyssa Urff, Sahuaro News Editor

Rachel Porter (left) and Vy Nguyen (right) at SARSEF 2019

Two Sahuaro juniors recently went up to Phoenix on April 4 and 5, 2019 for the Arizona Science and Engineering Fair (AzSEF). After winning first place at the Southern Arizona Research and Science Engineering Fair (SARSEF), Vy Nguyen and Rachel Porter presented their group project at the state fair to try and advance to the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF).

Their project titled, Effects of Variations of Stereotactic Radiation Therapies on Patients with Brain Metastases “measured a type of radiation on brain tumors based on size, recurrent rate, and local tumor control rate” says Vy. The project was placed in the biomedical and social sciences category.

Rachel, Vy, and Ms. Goodenow (their project-sponsored teacher) traveled to the Phoenix Convention Center, all participating in different things during the weekend.

Rachel Porter (left) and Vy Nguyen (right) at SARSEF standing in front of their poster

Both of the girls had positive experiences. Vy shared, “I felt prepared and it was nice to see all of the other projects.” She also said, “A lot of them were intimidating and you could tell everyone was dedicated to their projects.” She’s hoping that her and Rachel go again next year.

As the two continue to be dedicated Sahuaro Science Club members and extend their knowledge on their topic, they hope to engineer or build something within the same category of sciences for next year’s science fairs.

Ms.Goodenow expressed, “I’m super proud of the work, time, and dedication they put into their project and of their perseverance.” Rachel and Vy were the only two students from Sahuaro who made it to AzSEF and while they didn’t win anything at AzSEF, they still did a great job of representing the science community and students from Sahuaro. Be sure to congratulate and ask about their project when you see them!