Arizona Mom Abused Kids for YouTube Channel

Jordan Myers, Entertainment Editor

Machelle Hobson, the 48-year-old mother behind popular YouTube channel “Fantastic Adventures,” has been indicted on 30 counts of alleged abuse and kidnapping against five of her adopted children who performed in her YouTube series.

Her two biological sons, Logan and Ryan Hackney, both in their twenties, were arrested and booked in Pinal County Jail on seven counts after police said they failed to report their mother’s abusive behavior.  Logan Hackney admitted to knowing about the abuse these kids were dealing with and claimed to have discussed going to the police with his brother, Ryan, but they never did. Logan also claims that he would sneak in food for the kids when he could. Hobson was booked into Pinal County Jail for two counts of molestation of a child, seven counts of child abuse, five counts of unlawful imprisonment and five counts of child neglect.

Multiple of her kids told Maricopa police that she had been beating them and used pepper spray to make them act in the videos that were her main source of income. “I either get beat with a hanger or belt, or a brush, or get pepper sprayed from head to toe,” one child told the police. The rest of the kids described similar abuse including abuse to their private parts when they did not cooperate. When police did a welfare check on the house following accusations made by the children, they allegedly found one of the children in a closet with a suspicious lock on the door, wearing nothing but a pull-up diaper. Police also reported that the kids appeared to be pale, underweight, and had bags under their eyes.

According to police paperwork, Hobson denied all of the abuse allegations against her made by the children when questioned. She stated that the only punishment she gave the kids is having to “stand in the corner, getting spankings and being grounded,” according to police paperwork.

ABC15 reached out to YouTube on the case: “We take safety on YouTube very seriously. We work closely with leading child safety organizations and others in our industry to protect young people. When we’re made aware of serious allegations of this nature we take action, which may include suspending monetization, or, upon conclusion of an investigation, terminating channels.”

Hobson’s two sons were released from Pinal County Jail on bond and are expected to attend court on April 8th along with their mother. Hobson is being held in jail on a 200k bond and is scheduled to appear in court March 29th. The channel has since been removed from YouTube but was getting millions of views a video while her operation was still running. Thanks to the Arizona Department of Child Safety, the five kids have since been removed from Hobson’s custody. The kids are now in either foster homes or group homes.