Dead Whale Found With 88-Pounds of Plastic In Stomach


Denise Najera, Sports Recorder

A young whale’s carcass was found in Mabini, Compostela Valley in the Philippines, and what they discovered inside was “disgusting”.

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The whale had digested 40-kilograms (88 pounds) of plastic bags; ranging from rice sacks, grocery bags, banana plantation bags and general plastic bags.

Blatchley, who is president and founder of D’ Bone Collector Museum (a natural history museum in the Philippine city of Davao) noted that the whale had so much plastic inside him that some of it had begun to calcify. 

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The whale died of  “dehydration and starvation” from swallowing so much plastic, no longer able to consume large amounts of food-and since the Cuvier’s beaked whale is a type of whale that gets its water from food, it was not able to get water as well. The mammal also began vomiting blood shortly before it died.

The museum went to call upon the government to address this serious problem to take action on those who still treat our waters like a giant dumpster. “Hundreds of thousands of whales, dolphins, seals and turtles are killed by ocean plastic pollution every year, including single-use plastics and abandoned plastic gear from the fishing industry,” Peter Kemple Hardy said, a campaigner at World Animal Protection.