Stranger Things Gets More Strange

Caleb Pendleton, Op-Ed Editor

Over Spring Break I decided to watch Stranger Things all over again, which is one of the best shows I’ve seen. I did watch this show when I was younger, but didn’t understand it as much as I do now, and that may just be because of my new interest in Sci-Fi shows, and movies. I also like the 80’s feel of the show, and the idea of having adventures with your friends.  There won’t be that element of being young, and having adventures because the kids are older, and they are maturing into the teenage life. The first two seasons were very impressive, and the creators, “The Duffer Brothers” are some of the greatest directors I’ve ever witnessed.

What I like about the show is that it gives the viewer a Poltergeist feeling to it, but with their own twist to it. Traveling to “The Upside Down” feels like the scene in Poltergeist where the family has to save the kids who are stuck with the ghost in the TV. My interest in Sci-Fi shows has increased in the past year due to the fact that many really interesting movies and TV shows in this genre are becoming more popular. I’ve also always had an interest in horror movies, and Stranger Things would fall into that genre. The show is even based on Dungeons and Dragons, which was always a fun game to play as a kid.

The Netflix show recently released a Trailer for their 3rd season, however the first two seasons were better than how the trailer looks. The only sad part about the trailer is that every year when a new season comes out the kids are one year older. The characters are put into outfits that are for younger kids, and its a little funny. Maybe this is just an 80’s thing, but it still is something I noticed in great detail. It seems to be that the next villain will be a bunch of rats, or maybe somebody controlling rats, and while it seems pretty weird at first it could turn into something cool. There is a scene where the “Demogorgon” of the show is more evolved, and scarier looking, and this gives the audience more curiosity of what the real evil of this season may be.