Sahuaro is Officially SARSEF Endorsed !

Alyssa Urff, Sahuaro News Editor

The 2019 annual Southern Arizona Regional Science and Engineering Fair (SARSEF) just ended on Saturday March 9, 2019 after 4 days. Not only did individual people win but Sahuaro ended up winning as a whole! Since Sahuaro had the most projects entered out of every other school in the fair, we took home $250 and a plaque that is now in the front office that says we are “SARSEF Endorsed”

The individual winners have been working since September on their projects and were awarded certificates, trophies, and money. Check out the winners below!

Student(s) Project / All Awards  Category
Alyssa Brown Observing Psychological Distress Caused by Utilizing the Paradoxical Gender Restroom
-SARSEF Grand Award: 2nd Place
-American Psychological Association Achievement in Research in Psychological Science
Behavioral and Social Sciences
Matthew Carr Modeling of the Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus Teres Minor, and the Subscapularis
-SARSEF Grand Award: 3rd Place
Engineering: Electrical and Mechanical
Seth Criger How Hydro Electrical Turbines Can Solve the Modern Energy Problem by Using Kinetic Energy and H2O
-TEP Top High School Project
Energy and Environmental Engineering
Mei Dotzler Just a little Trashy!
-Community Problem Solver
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Olivia Easton Effectiveness of a Modified Electrical Precipiatator in Excessive Carbon Dioxide and Visible Air Particle Removal
-SARSEF Grand Award: 3rd Place
-Outstanding Project in Nautical or Submarine Sciences
Engineering: Electrical and Mechanical
Aubrey Hubble The Effects of Focusing Techniques on 2nd/3rd/4th grade Students Diagnosed with ADHD
-SARSEF Grand Award: 3rd Place
-American Psychological Association Achievement in Research in Psychological Science
-Grandpa Steve’s Kids Award
Behavioral and Social Sciences
Jarlyn Jackson Extraction of Organophophates from Ocean Water Using Solid Phase Extraction
-Stockholm Junior Water Prize Regional Award
Elyse Wexler
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Kaylee Kemp Knee Embodyment Medical Patella Protractor
-Tucson Metro Chamber Entrepreneurial Spirit Award
Biochemical Science and Bioengineering
Clayton Sigafus What is the Best Carnivorous Plant for Eating Small Bugs?
-SARSEF Grand Award: 2nd Place
Plant Sciences
Vincent Lazos The Effects of Pre-bedtime Activities on Sleep
-SARSEF Grand Award: 2nd Place
Biomedical and Health Sciences
Alexis Lopez The Difference in Lifestyle Between Former Latin American Immigrants and Natural Born Citizens in the United States
-“Spirit of Enthusiastic Learning!” Award – in Memory of Rebekah Salcedo
-Service to Others Through Science and Engineering Award
-Spark Gap® Award
Behavioral and Social Sciences
Avery Miller The Effect of Powder Fire Retardants on Fibrous Materials.
-SARSEF Grand Award: 3rd Place
-Tucson Metro Chamber Entrepreneurial Spirit Award
Chemical and Material Sciences
Olivia Petersen The Effects of Self Praise on The Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale: Keep The Compliments Coming
-SARSEF Grand Award: 3rd Place
-Air Force Future Leaders of STEM
Behavioral and Social Sciences
Vy Duc Nguyen
Rachel Ann Porter
Effects of Variations of Stereotactic Radiation Therapies on Patients with Brain Metastases
-SARSEF Grand Award: 1st Place
Biomedical and Health Sciences
Genna Rascon The Effects of Esculents on Somnolence Arrangements and Phases in Oneirology
-SARSEF Grand Award: 3rd Place
Behavioral and Social Sciences
Mackinsey Ratzlaff The Ramification of Essential Oils on the General Adaptation Syndrome, Specifically Heart Rate and Potential Hydrogen (pH) of Saliva
-SARSEF Grand Award: 2nd Place
-Air Force Future Leaders of STEM
-SAPA 2nd Place
Behavioral and Social Sciences
Zack Robinson How a Medication Prompter Can Solve Inconsistency in Administration
-SARSEF Grand Award: 2nd Place
Engineering: Electrical and Mechanical
Valeria Romero The Effect of Decibel Level on the Heart Rate of Canines
-Naval Excellence in Science Research Award
-Wonder of Wildlife
Animal Sciences
Alycia Ruffin Examining the Psychological Correlation Between Visual Arts and Emotional Intelligence in Homo Sapiens
-Science of Kindness Award
Behavioral and Social Sciences
Hannah Sawyer Store-bought Colorimetric Lead Strips: Are They Useful for Screening Tap Water as Verified by Inductively Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS)?
-SARSEF Grand Award: 3rd Place
Chemical and Material Sciences
Robert Sierra
Zachary Sierra
The Observation of the Effect of Extruded Polystyrene Foam on the Amount of Water Evaporated
-SARSEF Grand Award: 3rd Place
-Arizona Hydrological Society Award
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Adrian Stebbins II Recording and Analyzing Correlations to First Time Intercourse
-Air Force Future Leaders of STEM
Behavioral and Social Sciences
Alyssa Jordan Urff Safer Solar: The Effects of Solar and Photovoltaic Technology Developments Contributing to Increasing Temperatures, Possibly Producing a Heat Island, in Various Locations
-SARSEF Grand Award: 3rd Place
-Outstanding Achievement in Ability and Creativity in an Atmospheric Science
-TEP Renewable Energy Awards
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Isabella Way Observing the Correlation Between the Number of Coccidioidomycosis Cases in Pima County, Maricopa County and all of Arizona, and Soil pH
-SARSEF Grand Award: 3rd Place
Biomedical and Health Sciences
Jake Wood Trying to Improve Wind Turbine Designs
-Outstanding Project in Material Science
Engineering: Electrical and Mechanical
Dane Young Effect of Oscillations on Homo Sapiens both Physically and Mentally
-SARSEF Grand Award: 3rd Place
Behavioral and Social Sciences

If you see any of the winners around campus, be sure to congratulate them as they have spent a lot of time and hard work on their projects!