Senior Spotlight: Anthony Doherty

Brandon Barr, Sports Editor

Q: How long have you been playing baseball for?

A: I have been playing for 14 years.

Q: Have you received any offers from schools?

A: Yes from Dakota Wesleyan University in South Dakota, the aim of their school is baseball and they are trying to get the people who play for them to go to a D1 school.

Q: What school are you hoping to be able to transfer to?


Q: What’s your favorite team and your favorite player?

A: Boston Red Sox, and Dustin Pedroia

Q: Do you have any conditions that you have to play through and how do those affect you?

A: I have Chron’s Disease, Brown’s Syndrome, and bad knees. Chron’s disease does not affect me that much while playing I just have to watch my diet. Because of Brown’s Syndrome, I can’t look up or to the left in my right eye. I have adjusted to it, but occasionally it does cause problems. I went to physical therapy for 12 weeks because of my knees.

Q: What’s your favorite high school baseball memory?

Hitting 5 triples in 3 games.