Sahuaro’s Robotics Competition 2019

Caleb Pendleton, Op-Ed Editor

On February 16th, 2019, Sahuaro’s Robotics Club had their Vex Robotics competition in the McConnell gym and did an outstanding job. The club has been building their robots since the beginning of the year, and have worked hard to get where they did. The club even went to state in Phoenix, AZ for the Vex Robotics competition held on the first weekend of March. The club is directed by Mr. Davis, a Physics Teacher here at Sahuaro High School. He said, “I am very proud of how far we came with our club, and this year’s robotics competition is one that I am most proud of. This one was very important to us.”

The robotics competition was very exciting. When you walked in, there were all sorts of different schools from all around Tucson, at the event, and three different areas for the robots: A practice area, and two competition mats. The audience was packed for this competition and was very supportive to the different teams. They had a display of the scores on the board, and different judges to keep the score, as well as refs to control the games.

The Vex Robotics company sets up different competitions every year, letting competitors from around the world compete to build the best robots. Every year, the Vex Robotics Company hosts different game modes that teams are able to play. This year it was called “Turning Point,” and each team had to move different obstacles around the competition mat for points. They also had to design their robots to get to a location to hold their position. Every school had different designs and they all did great, but Sahuaro showed what they could do best, and dominated the field. Izabela Bymer who is in the Robotics Club says that, “Robotics has been a great experience and has helped me see where I want to take my life in terms of education.” Maybe if you join, you will find something new you are interested in. If you would like to join the Robotics club next year and compete, you should talk to Mr. Davis in room 406 for more details.