Ride Hard or Ride Home: Amayke Anderson

Jocelyn Reeder, Editor-in-Chief

“What I like about BMXing is meeting new people and traveling the world, ” stated sophomore, Amayke Anderson. He has been BMXing for 12 years and still loves it. For those who have heard of BMX but don’t know what is actually is, it is organized bicycle racing on a dirt track, especially for teenagers.

He was inspired by his dad, who competed in BMX as well. Amayke competes/practices on Saturdays and Sundays all day, at Tucson BMX Sports Park. “I go around the track as fast as I can. I can do tricks but just for showing off.” Amayke has gone to South Africa, Copenhagen, Denmark, New Zealand, and Colombia for competitions.

BMX can be really dangerous if you are not careful and you can suffer from many injuries. Amayke has only gotten one injury from BMX and that is a broken collarbone. He was out practicing when his bike broke down and he flipped off the bike. It took about 2 months for him to recover, but he still wanted to continue to BMX.

One award that he has received is a hand-made trophy from South Africa. The most money he has ever received was $600. He does see himself continuing to BMX and plans to go pro and make money when he is 19. His parents are very supportive and help him to be the best he can be. Amayke’s goal is to “make it to the Olympics and get a medal. I have thought about other careers and I don’t know if I would like other things.”