What Does Kingsley Ugwu Not Do?

Sahuaro’s Next NFL and Track & Field Star

Kingsley (far left) accepting a first place award at Marana Invitational

Alyssa Urff, Sahuaro News Editor

“One does not simply go into feast mode,” laughs Sahuaro track star.

Senior, Kingsley Ugwu, enters his tenth year of Track and Field shaking up the 2018-2019 season. Currently, he holds first place for Sahuaro’s division in both the discus and shot put events.

Kingsley has been doing track and field since he was in elementary school. Now, Kingsley throws 160′ in discus, only being 9 feet away from the school record and throws 53’7 in shot put. He has already qualified for the state meet and continues to vastly improve each week.

Since this is his last year, he is trying to appreciate the small things about the sport. Laughing, Kingsley says, “I won’t miss the half-mile warm-up but I know I’ll definitely miss traveling with my team and hanging out at invites.” His favorite thing about the sport is not only “winning” but it’s also “who I do it with.” Kingsley really values his friends and teammates like Ben Jackson, Justin Scott, Chase Pope, Chris Lochhead, and more. “Even though the small margin of error can be irritating, staying focused and having fun with the sport is all that matters,” assures Kingsley.

Kingsley (76) on the football field

Before Kingsley was breaking records in the ring, he started out in third grade running the 100 meter and competing in high jump. “My events switched somewhere in 6th grade when I started doing shot put” says Kingsley. Since then, he has gone to state his junior year and trained hard for this year’s meet. Kingsley says “Watching your diet by cutting on sugar and paying attention to technique” makes training profitable. When he isn’t spending time with friends or practicing for his next big meet, there’s also another sport that Kingsley has dedicated his life to… football!

Kingsley (76, midcenter/left) on football field

Kingsley has been playing football for years. He is the only football player at Sahuaro this year to have earned a football-scholarship! In the fall of 2019, he will be at Hutchinson Community College in Kansas. He plans on doing track his sophomore year over there. He also plans on studying engineering with his dream of working his way all the way up to the NFL. His closest friends, like those mentioned earlier, are actually all from football. “I like track because it’s an individual sport but there are no team bonds like those from football.” He was really happy about the past “unforgettable season” and is glad that he has his “football family.”

If you want to keep up with Kingsley and his sports-life , follow him on instagram @kingsleyu_lxxvi or subscribe to his youtube!