Kamryn Redlin — A Professional Athlete in the Making

Marcela Marcial, Beat Investigator- Featured Athlete

“I’ve been playing sports ever since I can remember!” Kamryn says cheerfully. “Probably around the age of four I played on my first soccer team, “The Gators,” which my mom coached.” She used to play soccer a lot, but her favorite sports at the moment are golf and tennis, which she plays in and outside of school.

Kamryn Redlin, sophomore Cougar, says her athleticism came from her parents. Her dad played football, basketball, and tennis at Santa Rita High School, and even made it to state for tennis. This encourages her to do better in sports, “because not only do I want to be as good as my dad but I hope to impress him and make him proud.” As for her mom, she also went to Santa Rita and holds a record for squatting, which encourages her to be as strong as her mom, “cause I want legs like my mom,” she laughs.

Kamryn really wants to go to college, and is working hard to get a scholarship out of golf. Her first time trying golf was freshman year and she’s loved it ever since. “It’s an easy and fun way for me to escape the annoying stress and relax, but also be competitive. Playing golf has changed what my schedule looks like.” Kamryn has a pretty packed schedule since she does volunteer work, Student Council, and on top of that, school. Saturdays are her relaxation days where she tends to play golf, relax, or hang out with her friends. On school days, she plays tennis since it’s in season, focuses on school work, and sometimes attends school games. Usually Tuesdays, Kamryn attends to a youth group with a couple of her friends which is both a blast and relaxing at the same time. At times, she feels pressured, believing she’s not doing her best at things like making an impact in Student Council, improving in golf, or raising her grades. Even with all the stress, she puts the bad thoughts to the side and, “trusts that God has a plan for me, and that whatever that is I know it’s a good plan, and everything will work out in the end…that always humbles me.”

Pushing school and sports to the side, Kamryn loves going to church and likes to be around her youth group, because she has a really good connection with them and wants to improve her connection with God. It’s a cleanse before another week of stress.

She doesn’t have a favorite show at the moment, but she has been watching a lot of movies like, Can’t But Me Love, 10 Things I Hate About You, Pretty in Pink, and Footloose. She loves to eat peanut butter ice cream, Cheese-its, and peanut butter Oreo’s while watching Rom-Coms.

During the summer she plans to play a lot of golf and play in lot of tournaments, she hopes that she can be seen by colleges and work her way up to a scholarship. Finally, she will lifeguard at public pools around Tucson most of the summer (for the second time now) and, “since I will be driving by that time, I will be golfing almost every morning and hopefully I’ll be able travel a little 😊.”