Trump Announces National Emergency

Samantha Crowson, Cougar Tales and Feature Editor

After a long and daunting start to 2019, 35-day-long government shutdown and all, it seems we may be to the end. On Friday February 15th, President Trump announced a National Emergency to finally take steps into building the barrier between the US and Mexico.

In his argument-filled speech, he stated, “We’re going to do it one way or the other. We have to do it — not because it was a campaign promise, which it is,” as well as stating that “A big majority of the big drugs, the big drug loads don’t go through ports of entry.” Although the speech was not rehearsed or written beforehand, he managed to use a very keen speech giving tactic of Ethos by having many angel moms, showing their photos of the people and children they lost, killed by illegal aliens.

Trump’s Statement comes to the dismay of may Americans, so much so that in only 3 days, (February 18th) 16 states have made a followup announcing that they will be suing to stop the wall. All suits claim that Trump has no power to “divert funds for constructing a wall along the Mexican border because it is Congress that controls spending.”  It is expected that this subject will be a key topic in Washington for months or even years.