Ariana Grande is Living Her Best Life

Ariana Grande Credit: Ariana Grande/Instagram

Marcela Marcial, Beat Investigator - Featured Athele

Listening to her album on repeat since it first came out, we’ve all heard how Ariana Grande is living her best life and everyone’s here for it.

Ariana Grande recently dropped a new 12-track album called ‘thank u, next’ along with a music video that was uploaded on YouTube for her new song from the album, ‘break up with your girlfriend, I’m bored’. People have been loving the album by getting ready in the morning to ‘bad idea’ or bawled their eyes out to ‘ghostin’. Everyone is happy with the album because they are able to relate to it on many levels. She has “the most first-day streams of a pop album, and the most first-day streams of a female artist” according to The Verge.

from Google Images

One of Grande’s songs for the album, ‘ghostin’, is about Mac Miller and Pete Davidson. She appears to be apologizing to Pete Davidson about not being completely over Mac Miller while they were dating.

“Though I wish he were here instead/Don’t want that living in your head…I know it breaks your heart when I cry again ‘Stead of ghostin’ him.”

Grande was supposed to perform at the Grammy’s but “declined to perform Sunday because she ‘felt it was too late for her to pull something together,'” said the producer of the Grammy’s, Ken Ehrlich. Grande spoke up by saying, “I’ve kept my mouth shut but now you’re lying about me. I can pull together a performance overnight and you know that.” Grande offered 3 different songs to perform at the Grammy’s but none of the songs she suggested was a song that the Grammy’s producers want her to perform.