Morality Illusionist

Samantha Crowson, Cougar Tales and Feature Editor

I don’t know about you, but for me, paying attention to assemblies is hard, especially when it’s the same thing over and over. Yet, the assembly held on Friday February 8th, I couldn’t keep my eyes away. An Illusionist named David Corn, a motivational speaker and magician, came here to Sahuaro,  with tips and magic tricks, focusing on how to be moral. Unfortunately, only the first 20 classes to sign up were able to attend, but allow me to tell you about this spellbinding performance.

Now magic can be over played, especially with some of the more cliche tricks, but Corn kept us all motivated and on the edge of our seats. He started off with a fun little rope trick, baffling the audience before he asked a couple students for assistance. KJ, Taylor, Tyler, and Chris each got to participate in different illusions, such as Chris Lochhead putting his head through a Guillotine, and Tyler Loqa who got to mess around with a few mysteriously linking rings.  He had a few other tricks up his sleeves aside from just those few – he also somehow managed to make his wife disappear and cut himself in half!

Now you’re probably wondering, “Why would the school hire a Illusionist?” Well that’s where the Morality aspect comes into play. In between each magical exhibit, he also had a few words to say about being a better student and person. Things such as, telling us about the importance of concentration and always being reliable. He even threw in reference to Micheal Jordan, who failed hundreds of times and still never gave up, just to prove the importance of his show that afternoon.