Supporting A Cougar In Need

Alyssa Urff, Sahuaro News Editor

If you don’t know him for his smarts, you’ve definitely seen him on the wrestling mat kicking butt and taking names for Sahuaro. Senior Armeen Pajouyan was looking forward to graduating and pursuing a career in chemical engineering.  Then a tragedy.  According to his gofundme page, he was “collecting data for a Science Fair project. His hope was to win a partial college scholarship to start school in the fall in an engineering program. He had goals of getting his PHD in nuclear engineering one day.  He had dreamed of this since a very young age. Unfortunately something went wrong and a tragic accident occurred. He suffered over 22 percent body burns, was intubated and airlifted to Phoenix via helicopter.”

The entire Sahuaro community is rooting for Armeen and praying for his speedy recovery.  While he is making a remarkable recovery, there are multiple ways that all of us can help support him through this  journey.

A GoFundMe has been set up by his mom to cover costs of any uncovered medical expenses, travel, treatments, and more. While the goal donation is $20,000, we should do everything in our power to help him and his family. Faculty and students have already begun donating.

A group of Armeen’s close friends went to visit him on February 6th. Senior Richard Campbell states, “His personality hasn’t changed even after this. Still the same Armeen, which is the best part.”

SENIORS – in room 207, an exclusive banner from class of 2019 has been set aside for you to sign.

Sahuaro is sending all their love, support, and prayers to Armeen and his family as he continues to recover.