The Supreme Court Passing a Possible Transgender Military Ban

Alyssa Urff, Sahuaro News

The Supreme Court decided on January 22, 2019 that the transgender ban may be allowed to be enforced in the military. While the Supreme court has allowed it, the Pentagon says that they will not implement any bans just yet.

The transgender ban initially was stopped by the Pentagon two years ago. Trump and his administration said that

Protesting in New York (Source: Google Images)

they were going to allow the ban if needed in September of 2017. Trump faced scrutiny last year after reintroducing it, but it had not been put into office yet.

The LGBTQ+ community and many other opposing groups protested in many capitals. Transgender troops have also spoken out and said that they will fight any ban that comes toward them.

The “ban” for the transgender community could mean that gender separation would be enforced for things like sleeping quarters or use of restrooms.

Since the Pentagon has said it won’t put it into effect, transgender people serving in the military will not have to worry about anything for now.