Jayme Closs – Kidnapped Teen Escapes After 3 Months

Samantha Crowson, Cougar Tales and Feature Editor

Late Thursday afternoon Jayme Closs was found, matted and malnourished, more than 70 miles from her childhood home where her parents were murdered 3 months ago on the day she was abducted. When she disappeared on October 15, 2018 in Barron Wisconsin, police had no suspects towards her disappearance or her parents’ death, except the 911 phone call made with her mom’s phone where no one spoke. More than 2,000 tips were received by investigators throughout the past three months and a massive search near US Route 8.

She was abducted by Jake Patterson, 21 years old, who reportedly had no previous encounters with Jayme or her family, until he spotted her climbing on the bus one morning before school. He has confessed to murdering her mother in front of her, as well as  keeping her under his bed, and providing constant threats against her life as she attempted to escape. With amazing courage for a 13-year-old, she managed to run away when he left the house for a few hours.

Patterson’s family has broken their silence, stating they couldn’t believe it was him and his grandfather stated, “Something went terribly wrong, nobody had any clues… We are absolutely heartbroken. It’s wrenching to deal with. He was shy and quiet, he backed off from crowds, but a nice boy, polite. Computer games were more of a priority than social interaction.” Closs is currently living with her aunt and Patterson is being held under a 5 million dollar bail and is being charged with 2 counts of homicide and 1 count of kidnapping.