Taylor-Made To Fit Your Face

Makeup By Taylor Lyn Formantes

Nathalia Valdez, Social Media & Communications

We’ve all had an emo phase…some for the better… some for the worse, not giving up on your dreams (even if it’s during your emo phase) is always for the better. During middle school Taylor wore chunky, thick, black eyeliner and one day decided that she could do so much better.

Youtube was a big help in this situation, in fact it was the only help she had! “My favorite beauty guru has to be Jeffree Star. He’s inspired me to do more colorful looks and step out of my comfort zone.” It takes Taylor about 2 hours to complete a look (depending on the look). The looks she does depend on the day and the mood she’s having. “I deep down do prefer natural justttt a bit more than bright, glam looks.”

“To other people that want to do makeup, don’t beat yourself up. If you think the look you’re producing is bad, keep going and adjust over the weeks, months, and even years. I didn’t start where I am now, and it takes practice. If it’s something you enjoy, do it!

Doing makeup may be time consuming, extremely hard, and not to mention expensive, but in the long run we can all agree it makes us fell special. “Wearing

makeup does make me proud, especially when I’ve been blending eyeshadow longer than I’m used to. It’s something I get to accomplish almost everyday and it makes me happy to do it!”

Taylor spends anywhere from 20-60 dollars a month to get these glamorous looks, and her absolute favorite brand is NYX. “There is never a time where I’m not using at least one NYX product on my face!” And if she were stranded on an island and could only have one makeup utensil it would be her

medium fluffy brush, so she can blend her NYX Highlighter and eyeshadow!

Taylor wants to continue trying out new looks and even wants to enter the Makeup Industry. “I hope that one day I can possibly make some products for others to use!” she says cheerfully. One of her biggest inspirations to enter the makeup industry is Jeffree Star.  And one day she

will be as big of a STAR (pun intended) as him.

*All looks done by Taylor  Lyn Formantes *