Golden Globe Awards Winners and Surprises

Caleb Pendleton, Op-Ed Editor

Bohemian Rhapsody movie

The Golden Globe Awards were held on Sunday, January 6, 2019, hosted by Sandra Oh and Andy Samberg. The show had 24 different categories of nominations including 16 motion pictures and 11 television slots. The winner of the Best Motion Picture in the Drama category was Bohemian Rhapsody with Rami Malek starring as Freddy Mercury from the famous band Queen. This wasn’t a surprise because of the high rating Bohemian Rhapsody actually got from the movie.

Crazy Rich Asians movie

One controversial topic is that Hollywood tends to white-wash their movies which means the actors tend to be white actors playing ethnic roles. However, the producers of Crazy Rich Asians did not want their movie to be like this, so their entire cast was Asian. Crazy Rich Asians ended up being nominated for the Best Motion Picture in the Comedy or Musical category. Unfortunately, Crazy Rich Asians did not win, they lost to Green Book, but it was still a big accomplishment that they made it as a nominee for the Golden Globe Awards.

After 10 years of waiting for the Incredibles 2 to come out, who wouldn’t have thought it would have won? The Incredibles lost in the Best Animated Motion Picture category to the new Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, which was a shocker for many of the viewers because of how long they waited for the new Incredibles to come out. The ratings on both movies were high but Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse ended up taking first place.

The winner for the best TV series for the Drama category was The Americans and the best actor award this year went to Sandra Oh who played in the TV show Killing Eve. Sandra Oh is one of the first Asian winners for an American award show. Another winner for best actor for a drama TV series was Glenn Close who won over Lady Gaga, which surprised many viewers that night as well.

Fiji water girl photo bombs celebrities pictures

The most surprising part of the Golden Globe Awards was when the secret Fiji water girl was played to photobomb celebrities pictures for advertisement. This actually upset many celebrities that got photobombed because who wants a Fiji water bottle girl in their picture?