9-Year-Old Takes Her Life Due to Bullying

Nathalia Valdez, Social Media and Communications

McKenzie Adams, a fourth grader at U.S. Jones Elementary School in Linden, Alabama, took her own life on December 3rd. This was allegedly due to racial bullying. “Instead of shopping for Christmas, we’re picking out caskets for my 9-year-old,” her grandmother, Janice Adams, told ABC News.

U.S. Jones Elementary School says that they never received any reports on the bullying, but Makenzie’s grandmother confirms she did make a report to the school about the bullying issue. The grandmother also said “… she has kids in the classroom … that were making remarks to her and calling her some derogatory names and she had gotten into a little bit of a note-passing incident where they were saying derogatory things towards each other and the teacher found the note and reprimanded both of them.”

Jasmin Adams (McKenzie’s mother) told CBS news that the children where saying things and being involved in things that nine-year-olds should not know.

“She was being bullied the entire school year, with words such as, ‘kill yourself.’ ‘You think you’re white because you ride with that white boy? You ugly, black b—- just die!”’ Harris told the local newspaper.