Coach McKee Wins Coach of the Year

Brandon Barr, Sports Editor

This year Sahuaro football head coach, Scott McKee, who has been coaching for 18 years, won Coach of the Year for the 2018 football season. Coach McKee says it’s a “great honor for him”, but he gives credit to “the team and the leadership of the seniors.” He’s humble and does not take any credit for the award. McKee feels that, “final results,” was what was different about this year. He was chosen as the recipient of Coach of the Year from’s Andy Morales.

Coach McKee is excited for the 2019 football season, because he knows that they know what it takes to succeed, but understands that there is still mystery about the next season since it won’t be the same team that he had last year. His proudest moment has been, “seeing the entire community and campus with the football team singing the fight song, while the band plays and the cheerleaders cheering while that is going on.” McKee felt that the victory against Sabino saved the season, because after the team lost to Buena, they galvanized and fought harder. When reflecting on the season McKee says that his favorite moment was, “the playoff wins, the everyday practice, and dealing with the seniors each and everyday.” McKee says that his most heartbreaking moment of the year was, “the last playoff game, but also saying goodbye to the senior class at the banquet because I’ve known some of those guys for 5+ years.”

Coach McKee is looking to the future, but is very thankful for the award he and his team received this past season.