Winter Formal Will Be One Enchanting Night

Emma Walrath, Headline News Editor

Whether the ladies are into long & glamorous or flirty & short winter formal dresses, there are only days left to decide what to wear. For some, this is their first time attending, while for others, this can be their third or fourth. You do not have to have a crush on, or be “going out with” your winter formal date.

Or even have a date at all, for that matter.

Winter formal will be held at Sahuaro’s usual spot – the Jewish Community Center (JCC) open to all grades. The dance is on December 1st and opens at 8 pm and will end at 11:30. It costs $40 for a single ticket and $75 for a couple. 

This year the theme is “an enchanted night” and the color scheme is silver, light pink, and green with fairy Christmas lights included. It should definitely be a fairy tail night to remember.

While food is not being served, there will be some snacks and drinks. There is going to be lots of awesome music  dancing. Tables will be around to rest your dancing feet and enjoy time with your friends. There is also a fun photo booth where you can take pictures with your friends or date with wacky hats and props included!

Winter formal is the Sahuaro version of a dance in between Homecoming and Prom, and it makes up for the fact that we only have a Senior prom. There will be free parking at the JCC and there will also be administrative and teacher chaperones. 

Winter formal is a really fun event that everyone should attend at least once in their high school experience. Dress your best and live up the night!