Two Arizona Teens Die After Drug Experimentation

Samantha Valdez, Opinions Editor

Two Arizona teens died November 3rd from experimenting with what they believed was Percocet. Gunner Bundrick, 19, and Jake Morales, 19 both took the drug and died of an overdose. Gunner’s aunt posted a warning on her Facebook  to warn people about the dangers of taking “look-alike” drugs.

The story goes like this, Gunner and several friends had gone out on a Friday night and had all come back to his house to play video games and eat pizza. Eventually at one point Gunner and his friend Jake Morales took a pill that was stamped Percocet. The next morning Gunner’s mother found the two boys, but they were unresponsive. Both her and her daughters (Gunner’s sisters) tried to revive the two boys but nothing more could be done as they had been dead for hours.

Both boys were taken to a medical examiner and he stated the boys had died from an overdose of several different illegal drugs. The small pain killer they believed was Percocet was in fact over 50% Fentanyl and a breakdown of Fentanyl 4-ANPP.

Gunner’s aunt recalled him as a good kid who was loved by his community and had never had any problems with drugs. “We don’t know why he decided to take ‘a pill’ that night. The only thing we can assume is that the curiosity of knowing what the ‘high’ is like came into play? Again, we can only assume,” continuing the post she said, “Gunner had a whole life ahead of him. He had goals and aspirations. He wanted to be a dad…One bad choice, one stupid minor mistake was all it took.” Gunner’s aunt ended her message like this, “THERE CAN BE NO EXPERIMENTING. None. It’s truly a matter of life or death. You can’t see fentanyl. You can’t smell fentanyl. Tell your kids Gunner’s story. Show them his picture. I can’t describe the amount of pain my brother, sister-in-law and Gunner’s sisters are going through – a pain that will NEVER end. A hole that will NEVER be filled. A life that will never be brought back. A beautiful life. Gone forever.”

This is not the first time that something like this happens, thousands of teens and adults die every day from irresponsible drug use. This is just one more plea for people to listen and take responsibility with drug use.