Fantastic Beasts: Crimes Of Grindelwald Ending Review

Nathalia Valdez, Social Media & Communications

Spoiler alert WARNING if you haven’t seen the movie or are planning to, please click away and come back later.

Fantastic Beast Crimes Of Grindelwald  is a thrilling movie about Newt Scamander and all of his Fantastic Beasts, not only that but it is also a sequel to the movie Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them, where not only Newt but also Tina, Jacob, and Queenie all fight against the master of the dark arts (no I’m not talking about Voldemort due to the fact that this movie takes place before Harry Potter or even Voldemort himself was born). I am talking about Grindelwald’s ex-bestfriend of Dumbledore. Grindelwald is described as a master of persuasion (and I think we should all believe this since he does trick Queenie and many others to join the bad side).

The movie starts of with Grindelwald in his prison cell looking not scared but more like confused. The guards are getting ready to escort him back to New York for his trial, where he would probably end up in Azkaban for the rest of his life… but of course that didn’t happen. I won’t get into too much detail but, Grindelwald escaped and is after Credence (again).

At the ending after the meeting Grindelwald conducted, (while getting probably millions of wizards to join his group) he gets into a fight with the Tina, Jacob, Newt, and Newt’s brother Theseus. Grindelwald forms a ring of fire and makes his true followers cross it. Queenie crosses and so does Credence, Grindelwald reassures that he knows who Credence really is as they disappear, leaving a horrible fire to destroy Paris. Newt and the rest stop the fire from destructing the city and Newt’s clever niffler manages to get the “blood pact” from Grindelwald  (Albas and Grindelwald made the pact when they were young boys). After that the scene switches to Queenie telling Grindelwald to be careful because Credence is fragile (I think Queenie is an advantage to Grindelwald because she can read minds). Grindelwald walks into the room and tells Credence he knows who he is then he gives him a wand; the baby bird Credence has been taking care of turns into a Phoenix and Grindelwald says he is Aurelius Dumbledore. WHAT? I’m pretty sure that many Potter fans where confused (along with myself).

First of all where did Aurelius come from because he was never mentioned in any books EVER. Secondly, is he really a Dumbledore Family member? Also how did Nagini end up with Voldemort? And if Grindelwald is lying to Credence how did he make a Phoenix appear?

These are all questions that we will most likely not have the answer to until 2020. And hopefully until then some juicy (and hopefully real) theories emerge!