Future Freshman Night

Marcela Marcial, Beat Investigator - Featured Athlete

Future Freshman Night is an event that Sahuaro holds for incoming 8th graders to come visit our campus, learn about all the extra-curricular activities we offer, and hear about the honors and AP classes they can take. On November 14, there was a great turnout of this Cougar tradition. Staff members had a presentation in the auditorium that talked about sports, clubs, school expectations, and types of classes we offer.

The band program, orchestra program, cheerleaders, auto club students, AP/honor class teachers, coaches, sports members, and us, The Paper Cut, were also there encouraging incoming students to join Sahuaro and give them a little sneak-peek of our high school. The cheerleaders, band, and orchestra performed in the courtyard before the presentation started in the auditorium.

Football players went up to families to see if their students were interested in playing the sport. Members from auto class had a car on display that they have been working on. Coach Jenny from the swim team had their swim pop-up tent on display and a laptop that had a video of swimmers that Coach Kruzewski and students made. Band and color guard had a table and instruments set up. They also sported their Cougar spirit by wearing their band shirts.

In the dance room, there were tables representing each sport for future freshmen to look at and see if they want to try something new next year or possibly join a sport they’ve been playing for awhile.

Overall Future Freshman Night was a success. Sahuaro wants to give a huge shout out to the families and students that came out and saw all of what we are truly about. We hope to see all the students as our next awesome freshmen for the 2019-2020 school year!