Engineers of The Future Take a Tour at The UofA

Caleb Pendleton, Op-Ed Editor

Mr. Davis, a science teacher here at Sahuaro, took his engineering class on an all-day tour to the University of Arizona on Tuesday November 13th to explore and see the depths of the engineering courses held at the U of A. The students got to tour the Optical Science and Engineering College and were shown a demonstration of how data can be transmitted from one place to another using fiber optics.  The students also got to tour the Electrical/Computer Engineering school, as well as the Environmental and Chemical Engineering school. Besides going to these colleges, the students were even lectured about other engineering divisions they could join and the admission requirements. Kingsley Ugwu, senior stated, “I plan on becoming an architectural engineer.  I made the decision after attending the field trip. The architectural program is new at the U of A and I want to design things that contribute to the city.”

Mrs. Smith, the college counselor, was with the students on this all-day field trip, where they also toured the campus. Some college students that attend to the U of A talked to Mr. Davis’s class and talked about being successful along with being an active member of your school by joining clubs, sports, groups, and many more options.

The students are currently taking a college level class known as Engineering 102 High School which all engineering freshmen will be taking. This class taught by Mr. Davis includes all the experiments and labs that the U of A offers their students. They will be working on projects such as coding with arduino, catapult optimization, robotics and currently a solar oven project. The students will also learn basic skills on how to software like Solid works, and even Microsoft excel that will boost your college experience. Ben Jackson, senior, says, “We are working on our second solar oven and the project is going well, it’s definitely different than a high school class but it’s fun.”

This class offers 3 college level credits, which can save money since college classes are expensive. If you want to apply for this engineering class all you have to do is register at Sahuaro and look for a class called Exploring Engineering.

Mr. Davis encourages many more students to join this class and if you are really interested in going to college for an engineering major you should definitely look at taking this class. A word of advice from senior Anthony Doherty, “Just pay attention in class and do your work and you’ll have a fun time.”