UofA Assaults, Stay Safe and Alert!

Photo from The Daily Wildcat
November 14, 2018
Two female University of Arizona students reported assaults near the campus, one on November 3rd and the other on November 5th. The UAPD( University of Arizona Police Department) and the Tucson Police Department are currently investigating these reports, which were reported separately. The police do not know if the two assaults were linked.
The UAPD held a press conference on Wednesday, November 7th, to address the rumors about a series of attacks near the campus. The rumors included incorrect numbers of attacks and that females were being attacked due to a gang initiation. According to UAPD Chief Brian Seastone, these rumors are false.
The first incident was at 1:30 a.m Nov 3rd in the 1500 block of East Drachman, which is down the street from the School of Medicine. According to the report, the student was “attacked from behind and pushed to the ground, and the suspect attempted to take her phone.” The female was able to roll over and kick the suspect, causing him to flee. When the female student reported the incident, she described the suspect as a Hispanic male who was wearing a gray hoodie.
The other victim was attacked on Nov. 3 near the UA Campus Rec Center at sixth street and Highland Avenue around 8:30 p.m. She was not able to remember the initial attack but,”recalls waking up while being dragged by the suspect.” She was able to stand up and kick and punch the man, who then fled the scene. Her phone was stolen but later was recovered. The suspect in this attack was described as an over 6-foot-tall white male with shoulder-length brown hair. He also had a thick beard and a mustache.
UAPD has put out a list of some safety tips to follow:
When possible, walk in groups
Be aware of your surroundings
Report Suspicious and unusual activity by calling 911
Also there is a Free Women’s Self Defense Classes every Friday from 5-6 p.m. It is open to any one who would like to learn some self defense moves. Phone: 520-838-1592
Email: [email protected].